T33 Undercover Surveillance Kit with Apple® EarPods (Origional)

This product is only available for people who work for government agencies. Product pictures and information are also available on GSA. Beware of the counterfeits and imitations on the market, which look similar to ARC T33 series but marked as "Apple style" or "iPod style".
Either at a massive protest in a metropolitan area or a major event on a crowded campus; undercover officers mingle with the crowd identifying potential threats, and be able to communicate when necessary without being identified.
For undercover and surveillance operations, Astra Radio Communications (ARC) developed a game changing option called the T33 Undercover Surveillance Kit. Eliminating the typical coiled tube surveillance kits, the T33 kit uses Apple® Earpods. Your operatives will appear to be talking on a phone or listening to an iPod. The remote finger PTT allows the officers to key the mic without making any motion to a lapel PTT or their mouth to speak. The adapter has multiple options which can be used with Motorola® XTS, XPR, APEX, CP, BPR series or Harris® MRK, P5000/7000 and Unity XG series radios.
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